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The final exam is coming next week. I am writing my homework lazily. My mother couldn't see it anymore. She cried, "when can you do it well, you slow snail?" I waved impatiently. After a while, my mother's voice suddenly rang again, and I finished my homework in this rising and falling melody. As soon as I saw the time, the night was deep, I jumped into bed.


The next day, the teacher was changing my homework. She seemed to be a little annoyed. She hurried to my side and said, "look at your homework. It was a very simple topic, but it was so wrong..." The teacher talked about his attitude from homework to study. "In fact, as long as you calm down, these questions will not be wrong at all, right?" "HMM." I answered in a panic, my head almost down to my chest. "Do your homework carefully next time!" teacher Xu saw tears in my eyes, and her tone eased down. I looked up, just to meet the teacher's eyes, the original some sullen eyes slowly softened up.


I felt a sudden embarrassment. It seemed like a nutcracker met a huge walnut. I could only block everything I wanted to say with my mouth wide open. But behind the embarrassment, there is more guilt for myself and the teacher.


  • 标签: 英语 六年级 小学 翻译 日语作文大全和翻译
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