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Parents give children all over the world a happy life. Children all over the world love their parents. But when we were 0-3 years old, our parents often suffered. Our parents worked very hard because they had to wash clothes, cook food, coach us to study, and we would become so smart and capable. Our parents have not finished helping us. When we were 3 years old, our parents would send us to kindergarten. At this time, our parents would pick us up. When we were learning knowledge, our parents would have to run far to buy books in bookstores. Of course, we should not forget our growth in learning. Our parents would also like to cook.


In this way, year by year, we have grown up to be sensible. With the cultivation of our parents, seven years have passed. We are seven years old and understand the truth. At this time, our parents will feel relieved. I believe that every parent will think in their heart, "our hard cultivation has finally produced results." Now let's say to our parents, "we love you, mom and Dad!"


Happy new year to parents!

20xx年 2月5日 董峻送母亲、父亲 (新年礼物)

February 5, 20xx: Dong Jun presents his mother and father (New Year gift)


  • 标签: 翻译 作文 感恩 叙事 一年级 英文作文带翻译
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