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I saw the white snow: covered with branches, covered with grass, covered with houses, like cotton quilts on the ground, looking very warm.


In the evening, on the way back to my hometown, the fields on both sides of the road are full of snow. I watched the white snow and the sky as if the sky and the ground were connected and foggy, like the foggy rainbow. There is ice in the river by the side of the road. I really want to go down and skate!


I like to see the color of snow. It's white. The foreign teacher once said: white represents peace in foreign countries. Mother said: white also represents purity.



I started to look through the calendar again and again very early, looking forward to the steps of winter.


It really snowed today! Looking at it, there is a snow covered road and some dead trees. Big trees and small trees all point out their white arms to space. Those who can stand out from the cold wind must be worthy of our respect.


Outside the window, buildings are covered with snow. The stone seems to be covered with a layer of gauze.


I feel the smell of winter.



Snow, everyone feels very cold, but I don't think so. I think snow is a symbol of purity. It's white and clean. But it can only stand the cold test, but it can't stand the warm influence. Nevertheless, I still like it, like the scene of heavy snow flying, like the white snow falling on the ground, the sun shining, as if to lay a layer of silver carpet on the earth, beautiful, and good friends to see the snow, beautiful, alone to see the snowflake falling, beautiful, all in all I just love snow. I think the snowmen are full of life. I love snow so much. How about you?


  • 标签: 下雪 作文 英语 二年级 翻译 二年级作文下雪了
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