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Everyone has a small partner, but not all of them can be made. I have a small partner, who has made me suffer a lot.


On a Saturday, my brother and I went downstairs to play. Suddenly, my partner came and saw me. He said, "let's play." "Yes," I said. After a while, he said, "let's go to the construction site." I hesitated. The construction site was so dangerous. Should I go? But because of its constant urging, I took my brother with me.


When I arrived at the construction site, a pit suddenly appeared in front of me. My partners jumped over and then told me to jump over. I think it's so dangerous. I can't go over. But he laughed and told me that I was a coward. I was on fire and jumped up. As a result, I dropped 100 yuan in my pocket. I didn't see anything from the bottom. I glared at him severely As a result, he took the lead when he knew it. When I got home, my mother scolded me severely.


It's really bad luck. How can I make such a partner.



This puppy was given to me by grandma. It has been with me for three months. In these three short months, its lovely appearance has been deeply "imprinted" in my mind


When he just came here, he looked very cute. He buried his head in his body, like a shy little girl, which may be the reason why he was born not long ago. After a week's stay, I was "in a league" with him. Looking at its brown and white hair, I named the naughty dog "Taotao".


When I put a piece of paper with its name on it, it jumped. I took out a rope, and it jumped like a kangaroo.


"Taotao" naughty, mainly in its sleep and eat time. "Taotao" should drink some water before eating bones. It took one bite of this bone and one bite of that bone, each of which had several holes, before it would give up. When drinking water, it first immerses its face in the water, then licks the water on its face, and then it will eat it honestly after several times.


After eating, they find a cool place to sleep. When I put cotton under its body, it felt like a little princess. Everyone had to listen to it. When he was sleeping, he kept kicking his feet forward. It seemed that he had a dream, in which he was kicking the "World Cup" When I woke up, he looked at me as if he was saying, "Oh, all dreams!" looking at his lovely appearance, I couldn't help laughing.


"Taotao", you bring me not only happiness, but also some responsibilities


  • 标签: 英语 三年级 翻译 小伙伴 作文 时装秀英文作文带翻译
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