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my lucky day二年级英语作文

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Today, is my most lucky day. Just to the school, there is a feeling of excitement to squeeze into the chest. But there is a kind of worry, afraid the badly. I bring the transcript! When you come into our school, the students or the original sample, dozen dozen, the alarm, crazy. I quietly sat on a seat, waiting for their results. After a while, the teacher came. My heart will jump out. At the result, I was not satisfied with my performance. Because I score is only 286, certainly not. Clipping voting began, I sadly around, clip is too bad, I don't good-looking! I look around and find people more place to see others' cut and paste. GeHongYan clip good good-looking! She wrote a lot of feelings in a notebook, is a beautiful statement! Is a talented woman! Vote, I vote for her, she must be a champion! Unexpectedly, I... Turns out to be... At that moment, I was so excited. I've got a lovely testimonials, also get the lovely prize, but...

 my lucky day二年级英语作文

I didn't get the first exam score...

In the next semester, I hope I can do better





  • 标签: 英语 作文 二年级 Day lucky 我的偶像作文tfboys
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