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my family rules英语作文优秀

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不以规矩不成方圆。你家里都有哪些规矩?以下是小编带来的my family rules英语作文,希望对你有帮助。

 my family rules英语作文优秀
  my family rules英语作文(一)

There are many rules in my as do not eat in the bed, do not talk loudy,study should carefuly and so on.

I am always busy with my lessons and I have many homework to do every night,but my parents still call me wash clothes and make the bedroom clean and tidy.I am tired every day ,what shound I do? I ask for help from my parents,but they say to me,you are not a child,you should learn to take care of yourself.

Now I know my really talking and they give me all their love. I love them.

  my family rules英语作文(二)

My parents are very use I have so many family rules.

For example,i can't go out with my friends at school weekends, i have to go home before nine p.m. It's strict, but i think it's necessary.

And i must finish my homework in time. I can't play computer games. I have to wash clothes by myself.

I have to get up at six o'clock every i have to be in bed by ten o'clock.

Thanks to these rules.I can live i think to be in bed by ten o'clock is unfair! Students need nine hours sleep!

And i think play some computer games is not badly. Soi think the family rules can make some change.


  • 标签: 作文 Rules Family 英语 圣诞party作文
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