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My holiday二年级英语作文

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My holiday二年级英语作文1

After the New Year's Day,There is a holiday for our students.I get up very early this morning.

 My holiday二年级英语作文

After my breakfast, I help my mom clean the house because Spring Festival was coming. Then I feel I am free for not go to school and see the teachers say he would take me to the play field agter I finish the homework,I was very happy for ,I take the homewoek to my classmat's home,I want to write together.

I think it is the happy day for do you think?

My holiday二年级英语作文2

I’m going to the sun on my holiday. I will go there by a spaceship. I will take a big blue spaceship。

then I’ll pilot the spaceship to the sun. the sun is very hot. So I put on the super-shirt. In the morning, I will have some sun burger for my breakfast.

At eight o’clock, I will play with my friends there. they are super dog and super girl. Super dog is white and black. Super girl is very clever. Super girl and super dog like to play with me. So I play with them for forty minutes. then I do my homework in my little red room on a small blue table. After my home work, I will have my lunch. I will eat sun salad. I will make some red toy bear to the sun babies. I will have red juice, red fish and red rice. All the things are red. then I need a lot of water on the sun because the sun is too hot. So I will walk to the spaceship. I’ll pilot the spaceship to the earth.





My holiday二年级英语作文3

My holiday

I’m going to the sun on my holiday. I will go there by a spaceship. I will take a big blue spaceship。

then I’ll pilot the spaceship to the sun. the sun is very hot. So I put on the super-shirt. In the morning, I will have some sun burger for my breakfast.

At eight o’clock, I will play with my friends there. they are super dog and super girl. Super dog is white and black. Super girl is very clever. Super girl and super dog like to play with me. So I play with them for forty minutes. then I do my homework in my little red room on a small blue table. After my home work, I will have my lunch. I will eat sun salad. I will make some red toy bear to the sun babies. I will have red juice, red fish and red rice. All the things are red. then I need a lot of water on the sun because the sun is too hot. So I will walk to the spaceship. I’ll pilot the spaceship to the earth.

My holiday二年级英语作文4

My holiday was good. I stayed at home for sometime. I went to Tianyi Square and bought same games. But one day, my monther, my younger brother and I went to Tianyi digital square to buy games. And I bought a new uniform in the evening. I'd like to have a glass of apple juice my monther bought it for me. I says, " Thanks a lot. " I bought some shoes. I want a pair of sports shoes. In the shop, the wonderful song added tour pleasure. I see the black shoes. my monther says, " There are beautiful !"

I was happy that day, because I went to Tianyi Square and had a lot of fun.





  • 标签: 作文 holiday 二年级 英语 我的diy老师作文
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