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My Holiday的初二英语作文

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Oh! It was winter holiday. I was very happy. I read my favourite books. I have many wonderful books. But I could not read these books too much. I also had a lot of homework to do. I like playing computer games, too. It’s very interesting. But I could not play it too much. I wear glasses, I’m very sad. It’s not good for my eyes to play computer games too much.

 My Holiday的初二英语作文

Oh! It was the Spring Festival. It’s Chinese traditional festival. People were very happy. They went shopping, cleaned their houses, had supper together……I went to my grandparents’ home with my parents. My grandparents were very happy to see us. They prepared many kinds of nice food, such as fish, meat, vegetables and fruit. In the evening, we watched TV and lighted fireworks. We also knocked on people’s doors and gave some presents to them. After the Spring Festival, we went to Shanghai to go shopping. We bought clothes, shoes and some delicious food.

I had a good holiday, I think. I also have very nice school life now.


  • 标签: 英语 初二 holiday 作文 我的偶像tfboys作文
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