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克服自卑 Overcome Self-abasement


Everyone is shy when they are young, some people shy because they think they are not good enough, so they are not confident, they will low their heads before others. We call this emotion self-abasement, most people suffer such emotion, we need to conquer it. For me, I was not confident before, I always think that other guys do every thing better than me, until someday, I watch a book. The book says how to conquer self-abasement, I learn that the reason why people feel not confident, it is because they haven’t found their advantages. The book tells that everyone is good at something, we are wrong to compare other people’s advantages with our disadvantages. After I read the book, I understand why I not confident, I should never compare with others, I also have my merit, I should be proud of myself. Let’s raise our heads and be confident.



  • 标签: 克服 作文 自卑心理 英语 克服演讲恐惧英文作文
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