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I have a very lovely present. It is my birthday present. I love it very much. It’s a really cute doll panda.

It has two big black eyes, a little nose and a tiny red mouth. And it has black hands and white body.

I usually take it to the park for a long walk with my family. My baby brother likes my doll panda. He often wants to steal it. When I threw it into the sky very high, I tried to catch it but my baby brother caught it first. He took away from me. I looked and looked but I still can’t find him. Suddenly I heard his voice a tree. I ran fast as fast as I can to that tree. My baby brother was behind that tree. I took the doll panda away from him.

One day, my naughty baby brother threw it into the toilets. I was very angry about him because it’s my favorite toy, how can he throw it into the toilets! But finally I picked it up and cleaned it very well.

Now my little cute doll panda is on my bed. I always hug it to sleep. I love it very much!


  • 标签: 英语 五年级 作文 礼物 我的语文老师五年级作文
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