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Teacher "-- is the engineer of the human soul, their nurturing a tree and a young seedlings, and cultivate a batch of a batch of excellent talent. In their care, we grow up healthy and lively. In so many teacher, what impressed me most is her -- taught me half a semester math teacher, teacher Chen.


His gray hair, kind face, wearing clean clothes. We all like to play games and Mr Wu. He often helps us lead pencil, when class was over, we always put the cup and clothes to his custody. He careful watch us play in the playground. On one occasion, a student teacher to teacher wu, a big, red apple. Give it to Mr Wu to eat, staring at the apple, the fat kid in our class. Looking at she exhaled a book and eating an apple, Mr Wu laughed.


There are many people and things, all disappear in the long river of memory, but there is a teacher to my memory.

The teacher teacher is my first grade teacher zhang. Said her fine eyes, she can with her mouth, taught me many, many know and life.

Remember once, the school is going to have a fairy tale, students get the first prize of fairy tales can be included in a book - "the childlike innocence beautiful". I am very happy, with my parents when I came back to say to want to attend, let them make up a fairy tale with me. I was just like fairy tale story。.


  • 标签: 五年级 作文 英语 老师 我的新老师五年级作文
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