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Today is the day of reunion of our elementary school class. We made an appointment a week ago that we would go back to our elementary school. About nine o’clock, we all got to the school gate. The guard asked what we are going to do, and we answered that we just want to walk around in the campus. He let us enter. I felt so familiar and warm when I entered the campus. Something has changed, but many are the same. We went to the classrooms we once stayed. There were many memories in them. I could clearly remember where my seat was. Life in primary school is relaxed and interesting. We had many time to have fun, and our classmates always played together. I miss the life in primary school every much, which is the most beautiful and unforgettable memories in my mind.


  • 标签: 初中英语 精彩 作文 精彩的初中生活作文
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