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When Spring Festival comes, it is the biggest day for Chinese people, because all the families get union and spend the time together. It is a happy day, while during these years, things have changed, more young people are facing the great pressure, because their relatives and parents will force them to have a girlfriend or boyfriend.



As more young people choose to get married at the late age or some of them haven’t found the suitable soul mates, so they are single when they go back home. Then the parents worry about their future and urge these young people to get married as soon as possible. The parents’ pressure annoys the young people, they want to get away from it, some even find the excuse to avoid getting home.年轻人的烦恼


Now the time has changed, parents should see about it. Young people chase for freedom and they want to find the right one, not just marry for having birth of the next generation. If parents give less pressure, then their children will live the happy life. That’s enough for the young people.



  • 标签: 英语 年轻人 作文 我的烦恼三年级作文
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