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高考英语作文圣诞节活动 Christmas Activity

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Christmas Day is very popular around the world, which originates in western country, but now it is celebrated by the world. When this big day comes, there will be a lot of products that sold in very low prices, and the Santa Claus’s image will be seen all the street. Shops will play Christmas songs. I always spend this festival with my friends, because my parents don’t take this day seriously. We hang out the street and join the big crowd in the square, singing with people and then wait for the time to count down. It is such a great moment for me. I can feel the lively atmosphere, like the New Year. On the way home, we share our wishes and talk about the happy incidents. Christmas activity brings me unforgettable memories.

 高考英语作文圣诞节活动 Christmas Activity

圣诞节在全世界都深受欢迎,它起源于西方国家,但现在整个世界都在庆祝这个节日。当这个大日子来临的时候,很多商品都会降到一个很低的价格,圣诞老人也会出现在满大街上,商店也会播放圣诞歌曲。我总是和我的.朋友们过这个节日,因为我的父母不怎么重视这一天。我们出去晃荡 ,在广场上加入人群中,与人唱歌,然后等待时间倒计时。这对我来说是一个很开心的时刻,我能感觉到热闹的氛围,就像新年一样。在回家的路上,我们分享我们的愿望、谈论快乐的事。圣诞活动给我带来难忘的记忆。


  • 标签: Christmas 作文 Activity 高考 圣诞节 我的偶像作文tfboys
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