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We should take good care of the environment, protect the nature.

The earth is the only place we live, is our home. We can't because at that time the interests and her dishes in our hands. Now the earth is in danger, forest fewer and fewer birds, beautiful natural environment is missing, Bridges oxygen to feed the fish in the river without artificial is about to turn over the pool. Now more dust storms, epidemic, fatigue life of people ended almost disappeared, all kinds of cancer eating away at the us one after another of the earth's people.

Back to the old people say the water bridge the somebody else, charactizing a fine spring day, how nice. Now you are "small garden path alone wandering" that's impossible.

Have seen such a report: the Japanese popular a kind of "pain pain disease", no root, for passive house got the disease will be walked into the underworld. At that time, Japan was the panic in the medical community, chasing the SuoYuan, chase ever discover Japanese like to eat fish, the fish love to eat garbage pollution, garbage pollution is Japanese poured into Japan into the sea. From this story, we don't speak Japanese, but should get some enlightenment, the deterioration of environment is referred to in a long-term accumulation, is also caused by everyone involved. Blessing is everyone to leave, a curse is everyone leave, this isn't a person. So take good care of the environment, everyone duty, protect the natural, leave the offspring.

Now I am going to call for everybody, we each member of the earth's, let us act now! Good care environment, protect the natural, leave f offspring!







The earth is the mother of mankind, the survival of mankind cannot leave her. Earth has taken a knock. How can we stand? He said my house on the west side of the river! Previously, the stream on the bottom, there are a lot of fish, shrimp swimming freely in it, all day live a carefree life, the river is full of vitality. At that time I like to play there. Now, because of the big cities site random discharge of sewage, and people are constantly littering. Disappeared, the vibrant river became a smelly sewage river, I don't like it!

Nowadays, many wild animals become a plate of food. Without these lovely animals, our life will become special boring. Rose up in the morning, can't hear the birds chirping and crisp sound, that is bad!

Patches of forest became less factories. The lawn into a wasteland, beautiful grassland into desert. Why is this? This is because people caused by deforestation.

Human survival depends on the environment, the environment depends on human protection. Do humans have that moment didn't wake up until the end of the earth? I call on: to protect the environment! We act together.






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