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Yuanxiao, another climax of Spring Festival. The fifteenth day of the first decorated everywhere, the whole street is like the in-laws, the flourishing and lively, lively and beautiful. The famous shop all hang hundreds of shapes, greatly small lights. There are notable, rounded corner lamp, lotus flower lamp, red lanterns... In that day, my parents and I go to the Lantern Festival.

One into the street, he saw a crowded crowd; Smell the fragrance of the delicious food; Heard a loud noise. We "crawling" slowly, in the crowd for a while in the United States, only beautiful shape, manufacture fine lantern appeared in front of my eyes. My parents and I went into it, a variety of lanterns are painted on the "water margin", a dream of red mansions, romance of The Three Kingdoms, all of the story "journey to the west". And make me the deepest impression is notable.

Each horse lamp together seems to be energizes is very spectacular. Version is using the red paper. Before the horse hoof, the horse up, horsetail hang, like really. Lifelike, vivid, let a person see the admiration. Lights on the two generous male, two people sitting in the restaurant - the legs, hands holding a glass.

Then, I saw my favorite link - guess lantern riddles. I opened the paper bag out lantern riddle topic: adding water into the oceans it into vegetation of flowers. I touched his chin, frowning, chanting in the heart "into a sea of water, it become a grass flowers?" Is it "yes"? Not ah! Gal. Some water is not a word! I thought for a moment. Suddenly flashes, the emergence of a "every" words in mind, oh. "Every" plus three drops of water is the "sea", and "wood" is "mei"! Why didn't I think! I quote us answers loudly. This is really a magic, they rhyme!

In these festival, one of my favorite festival is the Lantern Festival, because this holiday only lifelike lanterns and people are thinking of lantern riddle.







Lantern Festival is one of four big festival in our country, after the Lantern Festival, the Spring Festival, and even had finished, so this day is very grand and lively. Ago, people mainly is to look at the lanterns and dragon dances, fireworks, now people can watch the fireworks also become one of the ways of celebration.

At 7 o 'clock in the evening, I will try so hard to call mom and dad took me to go to the workers' stadium, heard that the whole to fireworks at 8 o 'clock. Walking in the street, see the road there are a lot of people like I want to see the fireworks, we just take a small family, very happy. Man is really much ah, packed.

At eight o 'clock arrived, only heard a few muffled voice, one by one the fireworks with red Mars on the sky, a few soup, night sky blossom a few beautiful flowers. They are of different shapes and colors, there are colorful all over the sky star, golden yellow dandelions, purple morning glory, red roses, pink rose, silver lily... And gorgeous.

As the frequent explosion, people exclaimed, in praise, in the dim light of night, people also slightly raise your face the change of color, also the happy smile, they don't like pieces of beautiful fireworks!

Life is so beautiful!







  • 标签: 元宵节 三年级 作文 英语 三年级元宵节作文
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