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预测小升初英语作文:my mother

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My mother is a housewife, but my mother to do many things every day, busy as a bee.

 预测小升初英语作文:my mother

Remember one day, I got up early and have found that mom has go out to buy food, after a while, mother came back. She bought a lot of vegetables, pant shout into the house, mom's food on the table, although the mother has been very tired, but she still insisted to send me to school.

Come back from school, my mother and I saw the door on the ground are all deadwood rotten leaves, then, my mother began to sweep the floor. She brought a broom and dustpan, first with a broom sweep dry to a place, then put them together into the dustpan, then pour it in the trash. Finally mom broom and dustpan in the corner, to wash your hands to eat.

At eight o 'clock in the evening, after I had finished my homework, get ready to go to play with mom animal checker, found mother still doing manual work. I said to his mother: mom, don't do it, take a break. Mother said: "no, now the factory are in urgent need of the goods, I must do hurry up." I said: "that you finish the rest." "No, I have to wash the dishes?" Mother said. I said, "that I wash it for you." Mother smiled: "no, you have school tomorrow, they play for a while they go to sleep." Listen to the mother, I had to take a rest.

Half asleep, I heard the voice of the water and bowl chopsticks collide with each other, in the heart silently say: "mother, you too hard, when I grow up I will repay you."







  • 标签: Mother 作文 英语 预测 小升初 青春youth作文
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