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准确找出自己 的长处和短处,制定最适合自己的学习计划。下面小编为大家整理的关于学习计划的英语作文,希望你喜欢。


I'm a high school student now.I am weak in most students in my class are good at I have to improve my English and catch up with them.I make a English Study tly,I will spend 20 minutes remembering words every day.I find that I only remember a small number of words. Secondly,I must listen to the teacher carefully in I will do the homework every course,listening to the English tapes every day is times I will read some English writings. Thirdly,I will often use English and communicate with classmates in y Sunday,I will learn English on the Internet. This is my plan.


My winner vacation is coming soon .I am so happy I decide to make a winter vacation plan t, I will do my homework carefully Second ,I am going to help my mother with housework ,I want to play with my best friend.I will also visit my grangparents with my parents will spend Spring Festival with them.I think every day during my winter vacation will be happy.

I am sure I will have a wonderful vacation. I can not wait.


As a middle school student, my study burden is heavier than before. Therefore, I must make a good plan for my study to make the effort effective and set sometime aside for playing. Firstly, I will make a big plan for this term and set a goal for it. I want to be the top three of my class in the final exam, so that I must work hard for it. In addition, I will make plans for several short periods, such as monthly plan and weekly plan. By doing so, I can clearly know what my major task of different. Finally, daily plan is necessary, too. Write down my tasks for everyday and finish them strictly. Remember not put tasks until tomorrow. With these different plans, I can arrange my time reasonably and get sometime to play.



  • 标签: 计划 制定 学习 英语 作文 作文学习计划
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