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My mother is 36 this year,but she looks young. She has two big eyes, a smally noose snd a smally mouth. Her hair is long and brown. She is a beauiful woman.


My mother is a nurse. She works in a People Hospital. She often wears a white uniform. No wonder people call nurses “white angle”. She works carefully and she is friendly to her patints. They all like her. She is busy. Every day, she works for eight hour in a day time. Sometimes, she is on duty in the evening. After work in the afternoon she goes back home. She makes a big dinner for father and me. It is a delicious meal, decause she is goodat cooking.

I love my mother, I think she is the best mother in the world


  • 标签: 作文 初一英语 母亲 英语 英文自我介绍初一作文
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