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太阳和风 The Sun and the Wind初一英语作文

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The Sun and the Wind

 太阳和风 The Sun and the Wind初一英语作文

One day the sun and the wind had a sun said he was stronger than the the wind said he was stronger than the then they saw a man walking down below with a hat and a coat on,The sun said,"Let's see who can make the man take off his hat and you can do that quicker than I,then you are the stronger.""All right,"said the wind,"I'll try first."

So the wind began to the harder he blew,the tighter the man held his hat and wind could not make him take them off.

Then the sun shone the man took off his hat and wiped his sun began to shine a little brighter,and the man took off his shone harder still,and the man began to take off his the wind said to the sun,“That's are stronger than me.





于是风开始吹。 但是他越使劲,那人便把衣帽裹得越紧。风始终无法让那人脱去衣帽。



  • 标签: Sun Wind 作文 初一英语 我的n张脸作文
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